Benefits of Broadband
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GUMBO 2.0 (BEAD Deployment)
GUMBO 3.0 (BEAD Non-Deployment)
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Frequently Asked Questions
BEAD Challenge
How were projects selected?
Do I have a choice in partnering or subscribing to the awarded ISPs? What if I want an alternative?
What if projects aren’t moving fast enough? What happens if a project fails?
Where can I find jobs?
Does pricing stick? Are there data caps?
Why did some parishes win multiple awards?
How are you ensuring every address in the area received internet access?
How will residents know where projects have been completed and where services are available?
What if the provider does not hold their end of the bargain? What leverage do we have that holds providers accountable?
What can local governments do to ensure timely completion of the project? How can we prevent permitting issues from slowing it down?
What will providers charge us when they serve our area?
What is a Sub-Project Area (SPA)?
How were the SPAs developed?
Have any changes been made to the list of Sub-Project Areas (SPAs) that address issues highlighted in the public comment cycle?
How will reference funding levels for each SPA be calculated?
Will the final levels announced prior to the beginning of Round 1 change later in the process?
How will reference levels for Round 1 SPAs relate to the maximum funding level that ConnectLA would award?
How are the BEAD eligible locations determined?
How were ED SPAs determined?
How were CRN SPAs determined?
At what point in the application process must a CRN commitment be selected?
After the beginning of Round 1, can SPAs change?
Can you explain the meaning of “wide flexibility” to define their proposed overall deployment projects in relation to SPAs?
Why are there location_id in the list of eligible locations that begin with a “2”? These do not match any location_id in the NTIA Fabric dataset and are inconsistent with the CostQuest location_id standard.
Why are there location_id in the list of eligible locations that are not in the latest version of the fabric?
Will there be a user guide for submitting GUMBO 2.0 applications?
Will applicants be able to do a “dry run” to test the application process before formal Round 1 submissions are required?
IS the admin user the SAME AS the Authorized organization representative (AOR) from the original prequalification application?
Will adjustments be made to the Application Bidding Platform between the mock opening and official round 1 opening?
Will other users be able to see the information I am entering into the Application Bidding Platform?
Can I download my application as a PDF?
Does the application bidding platform reject applications over 200% above the reference price?
Is there logic in place to prevent applicants from submitting the application for approval if no SPA is selected?
Can applicants “stack” SPAs in an application?
What do the colors on the SPA map represent?
How can SPA selection include two complete parishes?
Is there a way to review the list of SPAs selected on the map to ensure the list matches the SPAs I want to include in my application?
Can the summary report be saved and downloaded as a PDF?
How can I view the SPAs associated with an application?
Is there an option to resubmit an application if it has been retracted?
The admin can create an application, but can other users edit it?
If an applicant is in a consortium agreement with multiple companies, is access to the Application Bidding Platform still limited to five users?
Can a document be made inactive to prevent accidental selection of an older version?
If an application has multiple users, how does the Application Bidding Platform save the latest version while two users have an application open?
What are the criteria for an award after Round 1? Is there any flexibility to award a “decisively higher score” that is not quite 100 points better than a competing application, but that ConnectLA views as a strong application?
Will an application that only overlaps with another application from the same applicant (“self-overlap” only) be awarded in Round 1?
Which application will be selected if two applications from the same applicant “self-overlap” in Round 2?
In application Round 2, how does scoring factor into the completion process?
if an applicant’s existing application is carried forward From Round 1 into Round 2, can that applicant also create and submit an entirely new application?
If a provider has operated in Louisiana for at least five years with a clean federal and state labor law compliance record, what else is necessary to achieve the full 101 points in the Fair Labor Practices primary scoring category?
How will ConnectLA measure the 90% requirement for buried fiber to achieve a scoring bonus?
With respect to points awarded for Infrastructure Hardening, is there any opportunity to demonstrate that the buried fiber requirement is infeasible in a given SPA?
Is there any ability for a fixed-only applicant to win the points for mobile broadband infrastructure commitments in Critical Resiliency Need (CRN) SPAs?
How are bonus points for Economically Disadvantaged Areas, Infrastructure Hardening and Resiliency Commitments, and Number of Locations in a Parish awarded to different applications by the same applicant?
If the state allows a change in reference funding between Rounds 1 and 2, will further information be provided about those changes in reference prices when Round 2 opens?
Is there a fixed timeline between Rounds 1 and 2?
At what point in the Round 2 review of applications will the designation of “separable” SPAs within an application be looked at by ConnectLA? What is the order of operations in Round 2 for these SPAs?
How do you prevent conflicting separabilities for the same SPA on two applications?
What happens to SPAs that are not designated as “separable” if an application loses to a higher-scoring competitive application?
Is there any opportunity for an applicant to demonstrate (as part of an original Round 1 application) to ConnectLA that a specific location or subset of locations within an SPA is disproportionately costly?
The possibility that ConnectLA could remove up to 20% of the locations from an application seems like a difficult issue for applicants to plan for because it could materially change the scope of a project. Does ConnectLA expect to take that step for many
IPv2 also permits ConnectLA to remove CAIs or underserved locations from a final grant award on a unilateral basis. Could you explain the justification for this requirement?
Are there circumstances in which an initially selected FTTH application after Round 2 could be deselected in favor of a non-FTTH application based on the application of the EHCT?
How will ConnectLA work with initially selected applications to make adjustments in order to ensure that total requested funding is below the EHCT?
Are joint or consortium applications involving multiple parties applying as a single entity permitted in GUMBO 2.0?
What should prospective applicants keep in mind if they are considering joining a consortium to apply for BEAD funds in Louisiana?
The scoring bonus associated with Critical Resiliency Need commitments requires deployment of both fixed broadband and mobile broadband infrastructure. Can a mobile provider that does not currently provide fiber infrastructure in Louisiana work with a fib
When do anti-collusion restrictions on communications between applicants kick in?
What are GUMBO 2.0’s requirements with respect to access to conduit, including in public rights of way?
Is the requirement that for "any non-buried fiber infrastructure, any subgrant application proposing the deployment of new poles in support of aerial plant [to] include steel poles and include access to backup power" a freestanding requirement?
Is the requirement to provide 100% buried plant to CAIs a freestanding requirement or is part of scoring?
Is 90% buried fiber a freestanding requirement or is part of scoring?
When will ConnectLA provide draft GUMBO 2.0 subgrant agreements for review by applicants?
What should applicants look for in the draft GUMBO 2.0 subgrant agreements? for example, what updates or changes from GUMBO 1.0?
How will ConnectLA structure subrecipient agreements for awards made to multi-entity partnerships and consortia?
When will GUMBO 2.0 awards be final?
What should provisional awardees expect to provide ConnectLA in support of the final proposal to NITA?
When will grant agreements for selected subgrant application be executed?
When are Letter of Credit commitment letters, bankruptcy opinion letters, and final Letter of Credit issuance required?
How will match work in GUMBO 2.0?
When does an applicant need to provide a full proposed budget for eligible expenses?
Will Louisiana issue fixed amount subawards for GUMBO 2.0 Broadband infrastructure projects?
What expenses are eligible for reimbursement under a GUMBO 2.0 subgrant?
What are the milestones for GUMBO 2.0 funding disbursement?
What information will be required from subgrantees when they request disbursement at a given milestone?
What are the audit requirements associated with GUMBO 2.0?
IPv2 permits subgrantees to request “a modification to their low-cost service option from the $30 target effective rate” based on evidence that the target rate would be “financially unsustainable” in a given service area. What evidence must be provided?
BEAD Challenge
Who was eligible to challenge the map?
What version of the map was used?
How were challenges submitted and adjudicated?
Who adjudicated the map?
What happens if I am not listed? Will I ever get internet?
What happens if my dot is considered served when I know it is not served based on speed test?
Were speed tests used? What happened to that speed test you wanted me to use?
What happens if information provided is incorrect?