Enhancing Technological Opportunity for YoU and your Family to Foster Education and Empowerment (ÉTOUFFÉE).
Louisiana is a state rich in natural resources and potential. The overall goal of the ÉTOUFFÉE plan is to increase digital access and opportunity across the digital divide by expanding broadband infrastructure, improving affordability, providing access to appropriate devices, and the acquisition of digital literacy and skills to achieve transformational impact for all Louisianians to be able to reach their full potential.

What are digital access and opportunity?
Digital access and opportunity mean working towards ensuring all Louisiana residents have access to high-speed internet and the skills and tools necessary to use it, allowing people to have equal access to information and enabling their full participation in society.
ConnectLA is working to make digital opportunity a reality in Louisiana. From broadband expansion, to digital literacy trainings, to job creation, our digital access and opportunity plan seeks to close the gap that exists in this state and make Louisiana a model of workforce engagement for the rest of the country.
These are our four strategies for achieving digital access and opportunity:
Success Stories